Top 5 Tuesday (46) (on a Friday)

Yeah, I know, it's Friday. Cut me just a little slack (for like the 15th time). Still not sure if I'm ready to explain what's going on at work yet. A lot of co-workers read this, and I don't want to make any assumptions until everything is 100%. Just know that I'm busy, but things really are going well. I work all the time (usually 6 days a week), but the few kind words I get, whether it's from parents, kids, friends, co-workers (which has become synonymous with friends) make it worth it. God knows what He's doing, so, yeah, I'm gonna keep following.

1. Christmas. What a special time of year. Now that we've got kids in the family, the importance, and worth of it has just increased. While I was sitting at my grandparents watching all of the kids tearing through their presents, I remembered when it was my sisters and cousins on the floor ripping through presents with an excitement that could not be matched. Even without my own kids, I think I feel a little like my parents did back then (and still do while watching their grandchildren). Their happiness is just contagious. Their crying is to, but I just walk away when that starts happening :). I look forward to many more Christmases with these beautiful babies.

2. New Years. Hey, Happy 2013. Wow. Just kind of weird to say. NYE has never been a huge holiday for me. I usually stay in and watch a movie or the ball drop. I acknowledge that it's a new year at midnight, and then go to bed. However, one of the first people (actually, I'm pretty sure she was the first) I met at Troy, her birthday falls on New Year's Eve. So, we've made it a point to go out for the past few years. Usually just dinner and/or a movie. Our schedules don't allow us to each other every week, so, it's nice that we know for certain there is one day we'll get together. This year we just went to dinner, rode around, and then hung out at my apartment. She left about 9:30. Don't you call her lame because as soon as she left and put my pjs on and got in bed. I watched the ball drop and fell asleep. So, yeah, call us both lame :).

3. I get to go skiing with VHUMC's Youth Group next weekend. I'm pretty sure we're going to West Virginia. I'm excited! The last time I went skiing was with my own youth group, in maybe the 6th or 8th grade. Something like that. I sure do enjoy spending time with this group of kids. It's been a while since Discovery (the last event I was able to be a part of in August) so I'm definitely looking forward to this one.

4. If you follow me on FB or Twitter, then you'll already know this story, but it totally is T5T worthy. On Wednesdays we have a group of 5 year olds to 5th graders come to The Lighthouse to skate, eat a snack, and play in the game room before the go to choir. It's usually just a whole lotta screaming and craziness, and while it still was, something sweet happened. I was talking to one of the fourth graders and I saw her kind of look me up and down, and she said, "Have you lost weight?" I was floored, because while I had just started about 2 weeks before to eat better, I probably hadn't lost enough weight for anyone to notice. And knowing this little one, she probably learned over the Christmas break that that question is one that women love most to be asked. Either way, I do not care. It was fabulous! I responded with "Sure!" (since that is not necessarily telling someone you have, you're just not disagreeing with their opinion.) I also said "By the way, you're my most favorite 4th grader ever." She asked why, and I said she'd understand one day, but right now she should eat whatever she wants. My appreciation for kids not only did a 180 when my sisters had kids, but also when I took this job. I am forever thankful.

5. I am slowly, but surely losing weight. I'm doing weigh watchers online and while I'm still not much of a chef, I watch what I eat and don't eat as much...portion control. I've always been a firm believer in "If you're comfortable, then who cares what other people think." Well, I've been comfortable for a while. Gradually, I became uncomfortable with my appearance. So, I'm trying to do something about it.  New year, new weight. I've tried before and failed. Here's hoping I push through and do it.

Time for bed. Work in the A.M. Until next time...


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