Just thought I would share this.

It's my summer for the next 6 days. Then things are going to get really crazy. So, naturally I've been staying up 'til about 4 and sleeping 'til about 2. Ok, to the point of this random, short story. I went to sleep last night (or this morning) a little after 4. At 6:30AM I woke up. I freaked out because I thought I had to be somewhere. I got up and walked through the entire apartment. I said hey to our cats. Then got back in bed. I thought I had dreamed it. But I specifically remember waking up at 6:30 and doing that. It's very rare I ever do something like that. Usually (even if there is somewhere I'm supposed to be) I go back to sleep because it's just way too darn early.

Anyway, that's it. It was a lot funnier in my head. Oh well. Sharing it anyway :)


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