Troy Internet is ridiculous

Wow. Life is just out of control right now. I've had an off day dealing with electronics. Let me just tell you the story. Hint: If you don't want to read all of the in depth parts of the story, just read the bold stuff, and you'll get the gist of what happened. I was trying my best to be a good student and go to the Troy library to get some work done. I arrived around 3:30 and began looking up information for my research paper that is due in 23 days (AHH). I researched for a good 30-45 minutes. Then all of a sudden, I was knocked off the internet. It said that I had violated some internet policy. I was like, what in the heck? This had never happened before. And believe it or not, I've been to the library with this computer many times before this, and been just fine. So, I tried to figure it out for a good 30 minutes. I finally went and talked to the "librarian" (it's in quotes because I'm not really sure if he was qualified as a librarian). He sent me to the IT guy. I asked him about it and he said it probably has something to do with Limewire or Kazaa or some music downloading program you have on your computer. I told him I didn't have any kind of music downloading program on my computer except iTunes which is totally legal. So, he told me to call the Troy HelpDesk. I do so, and he told me I was knocked off because I have Skype on my computer. For those of you who might not know, Skype is basically a chatting program. You can just do regular text chats (like MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, etc.). You can also do video chats if you have a webcam. Naturally, I asked why Skype was causing me to violate some policy. He said it's because it's a "peer-to-peer" program. Which according to Wikipedia is kind of like a lot of different computers sharing their files with each other (if anyone has a better explanation about peer-to-peer, feel free to share). Anyway, the IT guy told me to delete Skype. I reluctantly did so, and it still wouldn't work. I even called Grace's boyfriend, Tommy and asked him what to do. He even gave me his email info (which is what you use to sign in to use the internet) and it still wouldn't work. So, I left the library, and I am now at Village Coffee which has WiFi, but only after you purchase something. So, I bought a coke. Now, I'm sitting here with a headache because I'm not a big fan of the smell of coffee. BOO!

Something else happened electronically to me, but I can't remember. I guess I'm just so overwhelmed by that fact that I can't use Troy's internet unless I delete Skype. I guess I'm going to be doing stuff at Village Coffee from now on, and I'll just smell like coffee for the rest of my life.

I do have something funny I want to share with yall, but I think I've typed enough. So, this post was basically so I could vent about what happened to me today. Sorry for all of that, but thanks for letting me vent, blog world. It is greatly appreciated. Until next time, have a lovely night.


  1. Thank you! It took me a few hours, but I think I'm finally happy with this one. At least for a little while :)


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