I've learned...

It seems like just yesterday I was in high school, didn't really have any plans (except that I was going to Troy), and all of that was okay. Now, every morning I wake up and I'm reminded I'm an adult. I may be a young adult, but adult is still in the label. I'm guessing that one day I'll get to a point where there are less days in front of me than behind me. Until then, it's a little overwhelming. But you never really know, I could already be at that point. Time to start living.

I'd do anything to go back and know then what I know now. I guess a lot of people say that. But if I keep trying to live in the past, I'll miss out on my future. Good ol' Ferris Bueller said it best, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." So true.

I've learned a lot about myself. Just to name a few:

-I've learned... that I enjoy having a disturbing amount of time to myself. I am by no means shy or introverted, but I just like time to myself.
-I've learned... that I am a picky eater. I honestly never knew I was. A couple of my friends started to point it out in college, but I didn't believe them. Then I got a job, and I'm reminded constantly. I'm not ashamed, but I just never realized.
-I've learned... that I really like to sleep. Oh wait, I already knew that.
-I've learned... that God gave me a certain set of gifts (some I may not even know about yet) and I have a bad habit of comparing myself to other people. I think that since they can do a certain thing, that I can too. But when I can't or don't feel comfortable doing it, I'm pretty hard on myself.
-I've learned... that I don't really want kids of my own. Which is weird because I love my niece and nephews more than my own life, and I work with kids everyday and I love what I do. But the thought of being in charge of how another human being turns out scares me to death. But I also see myself changing my mind if I ever get married. Who knows.
-I've learned... that after almost 10 years without Adam, all of my memories of him are starting to fade. I sometimes have a hard to determining which memories really happened and which were imagined. When I look back, the memories that used to be clear are now blurry. I'm sad about it, but I can't do much about it. So moving on seems like the next step. And maybe that's the point.
-I've learned... that bad things are going to happen, but it's the good that comes from it that matters most. It all matters, but the good matters most.
-I've learned... that I need to go to bed earlier.
-I've learned... that I need to work harder.
-I've learned... that I need to update this thing more often :)

I think that's enough for now. Thanks for reading. Goodnight.


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