Memories fill my mind, love and hope fill my heart.

This time a year ago, life was going in a direction I never thought it would. I was gradually saying goodbye to my mother. It was a bit of a roller coaster. She would have a good day or two, then a bad day. It was such a roller coaster of emotions. It was exhausting but I kept fighting it because I knew my time with her was limited. Tough to fight the inevitable.

Here I am almost a year after she left and I feel even heavier this time around. In a different way I suppose. Life is different, but I miss her just the same. I want to call her all the time. I catch myself still. My insides tighten when I realize I can't. I know I'm not the first person to lose their mother, and I know I won't be the last. But I am the first to lose MY mother. She was truly one of a kind. A daughter, sister, friend, mother, aunt, grandmother for the books.

I am still looking for a job in Nashville. A little scary, but I know it'll work out. It always does. God has been so gracious and merciful. His complete understanding of where I am and how I feel has made the days a little easier. He has given me certain people and experiences that have carried me. Kept pushing me. Thanks be to Him.

Until next time, my friends, all my love.


  1. Sweet Sara you've got this! No doubt God and Marianne are planning something fabulous - better buckle up! love you!


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