Top 5 Tuesday (34)

Let's not waste any time...

1. Today a kid got sick in the gym. Like really sick. Like "throw up" sick. I don't do vomit. I can do blood all day long. But vomit, no way. You're probably wondering why this is on my T5T post. Well, that's because I didn't have to clean it up. She got sick during gymnastics (which I'm not in charge of). Her mother was also there and saw everything go down (or come up...whichever you prefer). She offered to help Kevin (the gymnastics teacher). I apologized to Kevin profusely, but I explained that if I helped, he'd be cleaning my "upchuck" too.

2. I started week 3 of Couch to 5K. Wow. For someone hasn't run on purpose since high school (and even then I didn't like it), this was a tough day. This is how it went...

- 5 min. warm-up
- Run for 1.5 min.
- Walk for 1.5 min.
- Run for 3 min.
- Walk for 3 min.

- Run for 1.5 min.
- Walk for 1.5 min.
- Run for 3 min.
- Walk for 3 min.
- 5 min. cool down.

The good part is that it went by fairly fast (only 28 minutes total). The other good part is that I didn't die.

3. This past weekend was Brittany Martin's wedding. Most everyone that knows me, knows that weddings are not my thing. I honestly think it's because you have to wear something (almost always a dress) that is uncomfortable. Accompanied by something else just as uncomfortable (almost always heels).  But in the end it's all worth it, because someone you love just married someone they love. I mean, could it get any happier than that? Nah, not really.

4. The kids I see at work almost every day have finally started acknowledging me outside of our "fitness" classes or B.A.M. They'll run up to me and hug me, and say the love the games we play, or that they love my shoes, or that they love my shirt. Just about whatever they say brings a smile to my face. I've decided I need to start writing down everything they say. 95% of the time it's hilarious. I feel like it's greedy of me to be hoarding all of their humor.

5. My mom is coming to Birmingham Wednesday for a check-up. I got to spend about 6 days with her about 2 weeks ago and I got to see her this weekend. It wasn't enough. It never is. So glad we'll get to spend a little time together Wednesday night. Love her so very much.

I don't want to jinx it, but that's two in a row. Yeah, I know. I just jinxed it.


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