No clue what my title should be.

Hi. Can't sleep. So, obviously I'm blogging.

Weird day today. Not exactly sure why. Just felt weird all day. Guess I'll share something with you...

I've been thinking a lot about "beliefs" lately. Mostly about how everyone's are different. I honestly don't think anyone's beliefs are exactly the same. Which can make for a more interesting world, but it can also make for a harder one. I don't think I've ever stopped being someone's friend because of something they believed. Then again, I've never encountered anyone who had a belief that was so shocking I couldn't stand to be around them anymore. Well, it wasn't shocking to me. I honestly believe that God gave me the gift of understanding. I feel that almost no matter what, I can relate to someone and how they feel. Sometimes my feelings get hurt, and you can tell. But once I take a minute (maybe longer than just ONE minute :)), I can understand why they said or did something. Sometimes that's really awesome, other times it's not. Sometimes I just keep my mouth shut instead of telling someone how I really feel. Which can come back to haunt me later, but lately, 9 times out of 10, it's just made everything easier. Maybe that's what I'm missing. Something challenging. I always take the easy way out. Whether it's keeping my mouth shut to avoid confrontation, or something else that I can't think of an example for :)

I'm going to be really honest right now...I think part of my problem is that I feel like I'm in a rut. I've been in Troy for 5 years. It's not a bad place to be. It doesn't have a lot of stuff to do, but it's a nice little town. I'm ready to get out. I'm so close to doing so, that I'm getting very restless. I'm ready to see other places. I'm ready to experience other things. It's time. It's finally time. I'm so scared, but so ready. As scared as I am I feel good about all of this. Right before I went off to college, I had this feeling that I could start over. Reinvent myself if you will. I feel like I'm getting a second chance to do so when I graduate. It'll be good. God is good. That's all there is to it. It's all Him. And I'm so thankful.

It's after 1 so I guess I need to end this. My mom is coming tomorrow. I'm so glad. She always pulls me out of my rut and makes me happy. I love her. Update again soon :)


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