Valentine's Day

You're probably thinking that since this post is titled "Valentine's Day", and that since I'm single, I'm about to bash the holiday. Most (not all) people who are single do bash this holiday. However, that is not the case.

I will admit that I used to hate this holiday. I guess it all goes back to the fact that I was/am single. But I've got good news, I've grown up. I embrace this holiday. I think of all the family and friends that love me. I also think of all of my family and friends who have found true love, and I can't help but be happy for them. It's stupid to be unhappy for people who have found happiness. Especially the people you care most for.

I heard a quote the other day that kind of stuck with me..."Those who tear down happy people are just trying to hide their unhappiness". So stinkin' true I can't stand it.

If you want to treat Valentine's Day like any other day, that's fine. But don't take the "love" holiday away from the people who have found love. Let them celebrate it. And you just remember all who love you. If you don't think there's anyone that loves you, just remember someone does. You know who it is. Are you gonna make me say it? Ok, I will...gladly. Jesus! Such a great One to love and be loved by.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!


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