
Have you ever just all of a sudden realized that you were in a certain place? I kind of just did. Like it just came over me. It's weird. It's weird because the place I just realized I'm in is...well, it doesn't have a name (maybe I'll make one up later), but this place I'm in consists of only me. I am by myself. Whatever I decide to do, wherever I decide to go from the place I'm in, it's my decision. Well, for the most part it is. I will talk to my parents and sisters, and a few friends, but in the end, it'll be me that decides. A little scary.

It's hard making a decision by yourself. When you finally decide what you're going to do, and you end up not being happy, it's your fault, and you're unhappy by yourself. If you make a decision with someone, then at least you're both unhappy and can work on making each other happy. I need to be honest with you. Although I'm scared, I'm excited. I'm scared not only because I'm by myself but also because I have no idea where I'm going to end up and I'm gonna be in the real world soon. I'm excited because I am finally going to have some change in my life. There are certain situations that I love change, but there are also certain situations that I hate change. Like I hate that my roommate and best friend had to move to Georgia. But it's hard to be THAT sad because I am happy for her. Maybe a little jealous because she doesn't have to be in Troy. Basically what it all boils down to is that I just miss her.

It's 3:20AM, and I have such a long day tomorrow. Sleep doesn't come as easily anymore. I guess I just wanted to talk. Or type. I'll give an update about my internship later. Just know that so far, it's going good. I hope everyone has a good rest of the week.


  1. and know that I MISS YOUUUUU!!! and that i'm lonely here too. but you know the upside? i freaking love your blog set up! :) i love you!!!!!

  2. Well, two lonely's done make a right. I know, I'm stupid. Glad we got to catch up today (well, it's almost 6AM so, yesterday). I'm glad you like it my layout. I'll probably change it soon :).

    Hey, I think you've got some stuff to talk about in your blog...so, update soon? Yeah, I think so! Love love love you!!!!


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