Top 5 Tuesday

Holy Toledo, Batman. Tuesday totally snuck up on me. And while it's technically Wednesday, most of you won't read this until sometime after 8AM. So, let's just pretend I posted it on Tuesday.

Here we go...

1. I GOT A HAIRCUT!! Like a cute, short haircut. I almost went shorter than what I did, but I still love it. It's a got a few layers and it's just the cutest thing you've ever seen. If you're in the Birmingham area, check out Holly Mullins here.

2. Soccer finally happened this past weekend. We were rained out the first week, then we had 2 weeks of spring break, and then we got rained out the week after spring break. So, this past Saturday was a blessing. Not only did they all get to play, it was the most beautiful day I had seen in a while. It was just perfect weather.

3. And even though the weather was perfect, I got sunburned. Pretty bad. My nose, arms and scalp got the worst of it. However, the good that has come out of this, is that my face has already started peeling. The sooner it starts, the sooner it stops. It's hard to find the good in sunburn, but I think I just did. Sort of.

4. After a crazy, long day Saturday, and a not so good day Sunday, God gave me an awesome Monday. Let me clarify, there is definitely a difference between a long day and a bad day. Saturday was a long day. While it's length was tiring, it really was great getting to watch all of those K4 through 4th graders play soccer. They were so happy to just be running in an open field. Sunday was a bad day. I woke up tired, and stay tired the rest of the day. And everything got on my nerves. I hate those kinds of days. You try your best to not let things irritate you, and they still do. It really feels like you have no control of your emotions on days like that, which makes it even harder. God knew that I was feeling a little burnt out and that I needed to catch my breath. So, on Monday I went into work at 2PM and we closed at 6PM because of the bad weather. And even though I am one that hates bad weather, like really, really hates it, it felt good to come home 3 hours earlier than usual and just be.

5. The Braves were 3-1 (prior to Tuesday nights game). I really do love Braves baseball. I can watch their game while doing other stuff on my computer (kind of like you can do with a favorite movie or TV show). I can mute it and listen to music, or I can be completely sucked in, hanging on every word and swing of the bat. I think baseball is a great sport. And if I lived closer to Atlanta (and liked to drive in Atlanta), I would probably buy season tickets (oh yeah, I would need money for that as well). Braves baseball just makes me happy. And even though they lost a few hours ago, they still put a smile on my face.

Just so everyone knows, this Top 5 Tuesday is harder than I thought. However, I didn't realize how much good had happened in the past week until I started thinking about. Until I started trying to pick out the stuff that was good. I was even able to find the good in the things that I thought were bad when they happened. Top 5 Tuesday is going to be a challenge for me, but I definitely think it's going to be a very, very good challenge.


  1. Everybody needs to look for the good in a day. Everyday is filled with so many blessings and sometimes we don't even realize it. God is so good!! I love your Tuesday posts! Mom

  2. God is so good but so are you - love you Sarah and love the wonderful things that go on in your precious head...thanks for sharing (even on Wed.!)

  3. Thank you, Mom. I love you too!! Very much!!

    Christi, so glad you're one of my readers. I love you too!!


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