You're gonna be okay.

Sometimes I think it's okay to be sad. Every once in a while it feels good to let a little emotion out. I don't think sadness is weakness. I feel like it's just a way to cope.

If we were happy all of the time, I don't think we'd appreciate happiness as much. As long as you're able to pull yourself out of sadness, you're okay. I think it feels really good right after you get done crying (or whatever you do when you're sad) when you tell yourself "Self, pull it together. It's gonna be okay. Life will go on, and the world will keep spinning. Tomorrow is a new day. You're gonna be okay." It helps to remind yourself of that every now and're gonna be okay.

Even if it seems like nothing is going right, and you want to give up. Don't. Tomorrow could be the best day you've had in a long time. Or something great could happen next week. Or even next month. Good is coming. You just have to believe that it's coming.

Sometimes things are bad, so we can appreciate the good. And sometimes things are only good, so we can appreciate the great. God is great. Appreciate Him during the bad, the good, and the great.


  1. So very true! Mom

  2. You always know exactly what to say to make things better... Even when you don't try! I love you sar! BLYB

  3. I love you, Mom!

    I love you too, my Asht. I will see you soon! BLYB!


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